The Sleeping Beast
Over the past several days we got a glimpse at a sleeping beast. Jim Zumbo, the professional hunter, awakened the beast last weekend with his comments about assault weapons (or "terrorist weapons" as he put it) and their place, or lack thereof, in the hunting environment.
Within hours, Mr. Zumbo's blog was inundated with thousands of comments, the majority of which blasted his ill-conceived position. His sponsors were not spared, with thousands of comments, e-mails, and phone calls threatening canceled subscriptions and boycotts. A hasty apology was issued, but was quickly criticized as insincere and incomplete. Over the next few days, sponsors had severed ties (or were looking for outs), his blog was shut down, and some are wondering about the future of his TV show.
Without question, the criticism was founded, but a lot of it was unnecessarily venomous. That aside, it showed what motivated gun owners and hunters could accomplish when the beast was awakened. They attacked and made their feelings known.
What I want to know is: why is the beast not growling as loudly at those who really want to take away gun and hunting rights? Sure there are people who do a lot in the way of contacting their representatives and the like, but I'd wager that reactions like we saw with the Zumbo incident are few and far between.
Look at a lot of the legislation on the table right now. The Federal assault weapons ban is being reconsidered. New Jersey is considering the one gun a month idea. Maryland is considering an assault weapons ban. The list goes on. It seems that there are critical issues on the table in so many states and in Congress. Are we making waves at the same volume as we did last weekend? I'm not sure we are.
We need the beast to start growling louder. If you don't belong to the NRA, join now. If you can spare the money, sign up a friend, family member, or total stranger. If you can't afford to join yourself, suck up your pride and try and find someone who is willing to sponsor you. If you own guns, are thinking of owning guns, or even don't own any but still support the right, then please, join the NRA today. On top of that, send letters or e-mails and make phone calls to all your state and federal legislators and put them on notice: either they support the Second Amendment or we find someone else who does. It's time to show that our bark and our bite are equally powerful.
1 comment:
Awesome post Mike - a shattering blow with the Hammer of Truth.
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