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Saturday, January 27, 2007

National Trappers Asscociation

As one of the smallest groups we have in the outdoors community, the National Trappers Association is on the front lines of defending truth and sound management of wildlife. They have won many fights against the most powerful of Animal Rights organizations.
Many trappers are also hunters , but the vast majority of hunters are not trappers. This exposes quite an imbalance within. Hunters must begin to realize that we fight the same fight as trappers and what affects them will inevitably affect us and our endeavors. The lack of support we show trappers will haunt us in the long run. The HSUS and others will use and modify the arguments they defeat trapping initiatives with to defeat us and exploit the divisions that we create.
I encourage everyone to show support for the NTA and local trapping organizations, if not monetarily, by making contact with them and offering to help with anything they need or require. Distributing literature or making phone calls can go miles in showing unity, good will and positive image portrayal. Thank You in advance.

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