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Thursday, January 25, 2007

News from Reading Outdoor Expo

Well folks, after a long week and much talking with vendors and consumers I have much to report.
First, let me tell you of an impressive lady with a mission, Her name is Nikki and she is the founder of Team Xtreme an organization to promote and encourage youth and women to participate in fishing, conservation and the outdoors lifestyle. It was a pleasure to break bread with Nikki and Capt. Chris of Reel-istic charters.

Hunt of a Lifetime was there also and had a HOAL blanket to present to Ted Nugent for all his help and support. A young man who has benefited from HOAL was escorted back to the meet and greet and presented the blanket; I was unable to be in the room to witness the event, but reports afterward were that this young man was elated with the 1/2 hour that Ted spent with him one on one. Grant, the HOAL representative, was so thrilled with the responses they recieved I had to pull him off the ceiling more than a few times.

United Bowhunters of PA was there with a 3d archery range for the kids and they helped distribute NASP CDs to instructors and teachers and parents.

It was truly a heartlifting experience.

1 comment:

Joe Duckworth said...

Excellent trip it sounds like.
Wish I could have been there, as it sounds like it was productive and fun!